Upgrading, Selling or Disposing of IT Products The Smart Way

Why Solatek has the best Buyback solution for selling or disposing your IT Products:
  • Get a Buyback quote within 48-hours!
  • We pay the best prices, fast. Guaranteed two weeks after received to be exact!
  • Goods are securely collected by our CRB/DBS checked staff.
  • Complete GDPR compliance.
  • All goods are irrecoverably erased using industry leading Aiken & Blancco software with certification provided.
  • We offer 10% more for your products if used on buying stock from us.
  • IT products that hold no value will still be collected free of charge if there is sufficient quantity.
  • We dispose of redundant IT equipment in the most environmentally friendly manner.

How our Buyback Solution Works

1. Buyback Valuation
Fill out our simple form below or give us a call to let us know exactly what you have and the condition it’s in. We’ll get back to you with a valuation within 48-hours with two prices. The first; a price for us to pay you directly. The second; an amount 10% higher to be used against a stock purchase from us – perfect if you’re looking to upgrade your systems!
2. Collection
Products will be securely collected by our CRB/DBS checked staff at a time and date that is convenient for you. If required, we can provide packing boxes and bubble wrap to keep products safe during transit – everything is covered!
3. Inspection & Testing
Once your products arrive with us, all data is securely erased using industry leading software, Aiken or Blancco and confirmation certificates provided. We inspect the cosmetic condition of the products and grade them against our criteria, updating the valuation where appropriate. We guarantee to have this completed within 14-days.
4. Payment / Credit
Once everything is complete, we will send you a full report of everything collected along with the data erasure certification. If you have chosen to upgrade your systems with us, you’ll receive a credit memo to use against any of our inventory. If not, we will pay your valuation directly into your bank account the same day!

Get A Buyback Valuation!

Products We Buy

  • Laptops
  • Desktops
  • All-In-Ones
  • Apple Macs (All types)
  • Tablets
  • Phones
  • HDDs
  • RAM
  • Monitors
  • Faulty Products
We can only assign a price to buyback items that have value to us. If a product is too old or in condition considered too poor, we will be unable to pay for it. We can, however, still collect and data erase any products free-of-charge if there is a sufficient quantity. For smaller quantities, charges may apply.


Please be as accurate and as detailed as possible when telling us about your products as this can greatly affect the buyback valuation we provide. If you are unsure about what to include or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call our team on +44 (0) 1793 239 770. We are here to help!


Unit 8 Rockhaven Park, Kembrey Street
Swindon, Wiltshire, SN2 8BB

Opening Times

9am – 5pm
Monday – Friday

General Enquiries

+44 (0) 1793 239 770
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